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• You can join or renew dues online • SLAS Constitution   Member Information booklet  •
bullet Guest Speakers and activities at monthly meetings
bullet Monthly Newsletter, The NOVA
bullet Liability Insurance at SLAS Activities
bullet Quarterly Newsletter of the Astronomical League, The Reflector (With extra discounted fee)
bullet Public and private Star Parties throughout the year
bullet Social events
bullet Free use of SLAS loaner telescopes and equipment
bullet Shared interests and enthusiasm

Telescopes (Use privileges available to members) login to request a loaner

bullet (4) 8" Dobsonian telescopes
bullet (2) 6" Dobsonian telescopes
bullet (4) C-8 telescopes
bullet (1) 4" Criterion SCT
bullet H-Alpha Solar Telescope, tripod, mount and misc. accessories.

Observatory (SLAS membership and special training required. Fees may apply.)

bullet Stansbury Park Observatory Complex. Contact Jim Keane


bullet Slide projectors, LCD projector, banners, traffic reflectors,  and misc. small items.
bullet View the SLAS Constitution for other information

Revised: August 7, 2021.

Contact Webmaster for any comments, additions or corrections