SLAS Loaner Telescope & Observatory Checkout
Dobsonian Telescopes
The Dobsonian telescopes may be checked out by any member in good standing
who has been a member for at least one month, with a two week minimum period for
its use.
The borrower may not transfer the telescope to another individual.
The borrower is responsible for the telescope's return.
There is no liability for accidental breakage.
Those wishing to check out a Dobsonian telescope should contact the curator,
Roger Butz (435) 830.4684.
Hydrogen-Alpha Setup
The hydrogen-alpha setup, which includes the club's .5 angstrom Daystar
hydrogen-alpha solar filter and the club's solar telescope, may be checked out
by any member in good standing who has been a member for six months or longer,
has approval of a member of the board of directors and has paid the annual
$10.00 fee.
Note that the filter can be adapted to work with most members' private
There is no liability to the person checking it out for accidental breakage.
Those wishing to check out solar setup should contact the curator,
Rodger Fry.
Observatory Checkout
The club's observatory at Stansbury Park (SPOC) may be used by any member in
good standing who has been a member for six months or longer, paid the annual
SPOC fee, taken and passed the training class and demonstrated competency at
at least one public star party.
For further information about SPOC contact the Curator, Rodger Fry