How to Reserve a Telescope at SPOC

SPOC key-holders can reserve observatory telescopes only by using the SLAS website. Only key-holders who have paid the key-holder fee for the current SPOC year, and whose SLAS dues are current, can make reservations. Key-holder reservations must not conflict with scheduled SLAS events or training. Scopes are reserved on a first come first served basis.

Here’s how to reserve a telescope:

From the Members Only Area of the SLAS website, click on Equipment Checkout. Then click on Reserve Observatory. This will display a calendar for the current month with the current day highlighted. Use the tabs at the top of the calendar to select the month in which you want to make your reservation.

Check to see if the scope is free during the date and times for which you would like to reserve it. You can click on any scheduled event in the calendar to get the details for that event, including the event’s start and end times.

To add your own reservation, click on the day of the month number for the date you want. This brings up the Add SPOC Event web page. Fill in the Scope, Start Time, and End Time (military time is best). Then click on the Add SPOC Event button at the bottom of the screen. Then verify that your reservation has been added to the calendar.

If you need to cancel your reservation for any reason, please do so as soon as possible. To cancel a reservation, click on your event in the SPOC calendar to bring up the SPOC Signup web page. Then click on Delete Event From Calendar and verify that your event has been removed from the calendar.
