My 5th supernova discovery, 2018gj. it is located in galaxy NGC 6217. It was confirmed here:
This, my discovery image, was taken 2018 JAN 14 at 9:49:23 UT. It is a 5 second exposure taken with a Paramount ME, C-14 telescope operating at f/5.5 & ST-10XME camera binned 3x3 through a clear filter. FOV is about 18 x 26 arc minutes. Software used: TheSky6, CCDSoft & Orchestrate. North is up, east is to the left.
NGC 6712 is about 67 million light years away in the direction of the constellation Ursa Minor. Put another way, light from the supernova reaching Earth today started its journey some 67 million years ago, about a million years before the dinosaurs went extinct.