M42 Orion Nebula
Image was an unplanned image. Taken at Bald Mountain Pass in the high Uintah Mountains in Utah. Elevation at 10,700ft. had 30 min to spare waiting for the Rossette to become higher over the horizon, and took these subs spur of the moment.
Imaging telescopes or lenses: Orion USA ED80T CF
Imaging cameras: QHY8L OSC
Mounts: Orion Atlas EQ-G
Guiding cameras: Orion Starshoot Auto-Guider
Focal reducers: Orion Field Flattener for Small Refractors
Software: EZCap, ProDigital Software Astronomy Tools, Adobe Photo Shop, StarTools64, Nebulosity 3.1
Accessories: Orion Mini 50mm Guide Scope with Helical focuser mini 50mm guide scope
Resolution: 2451x1914
Dates: Sept. 24, 2014
Integration: 0.5 hours
Avg. Moon age: 29.28 days
Avg. Moon phase: 0.07%
RA center: 83.784 degrees
DEC center: -5.361 degrees
Orientation: 96.437 degrees
Field radius: 1.451 degrees