Venus Transit June 5, 2012 - Venus plays Peek a Boo through the clouds
Date: 6/5/2012
Views: 33165
Jupiter 10.23.11 6:42 UTC
Seeing forecast was good so I decided to leave the city and drive an hour out and do some imaging. I couldn't believe what I saw when I trained my scope on Jupiter. The seeing was fantastic for more than 2 hours, like looking through plate glass. Never experienced this before.
I also upgraded my laptop to a 2.0 ghz core 2 duo and an SSD HDD. FireCapture has never run so smoothly. It was rock solid at 50fps. 30 gigs of data later - here is one process. There are even sharper sequences in the group, just have to find them.
Image Info:
Scope: 10" F4.7 OTA working at 8300mm FL (F32.6) with TV 5Xpm and Spacers
Cam: PGR Flea 3
Mount: Atlas EQ-G
600 / 1000 red, 800 / 1300 green, 700 / 1200 blue
Registax 6, PS, Astraimage