The Horsehead Nebula, a view I took with about 4 1/2 hours of exposures in l,r,g,b, this morning, Oct. 30, 2014, at Lakeside, Tooele County.
Date: 10/30/2014
Views: 7379
This is for comparison purposes. It's the same image as the first, but with slightly different adjustments. This one looks best on my monitor but when I first posted it, it seemed washed out on my SLAS album. So I took it off, boosted contrast and lighten
Date: 10/30/2014
Views: 6842
My setup at Lakeside, morning of 10-30-2014; waiting for enough brightening to take flats. (It was a bit darker than it looks here.) I prefer this site because it's only about an hour from Salt Lake City yet is quite dark. The big negatives about it are t
Date: 10/30/2014
Views: 8239
Dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC185, which I photographed on the morning of June 23, 2015, from the Lakeside site. The galaxy, a bit more than 2 million light-years away, is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy and is thought to be the nearest Seyfret galaxy.
Date: 6/23/2015
Views: 8882