General Meeting - Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Description: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 at 7:30 PM

Martin Ratcliffe, "Basics of Astrophotography."

Martin will present some basic aspects of astronomical photography to help beginners get started and develop ideas to show how amazing photographs can be taken with relatively simple equipment. Some equipment will be on stage
to show some options.

Martin Ratcliffe has written the monthly night sky column for “Astronomy” magazine for 28 years. After a couple of gigs as a planetarium director, he joined the vendor side and trained planetarium professionals around the world for 15 years. Now he
works for Evans & Sutherland/COSM.

He’s passionate about photographing the sky with cameras and telescopes and sharing his work with others. A veteran of nine total eclipses of the Sun, he filmed them for a couple of TV projects and
since has dwelled on perfecting photographing them. He enjoys astronomical photography from his own home-built observatory in Stansbury Park, UT, using a wide range of cameras, and telescopes
ranging from 80 mm to 355 mm.

He’s a former President of the International Planetarium Society. He teaches astronomy at Wichita State University and Bethel College both in Kansas.

Martin was one of the founder members of the Newbury Astronomical Society in the UK and a past council member of the British Astronomical Association.
Location: Auditorium 104 of the Rampton Technology Building, Salt Lake Community College Redwood Road Campus.

Parking is in lot "R" located directly north of the building. Parking in any lot other than "R" will result in your car being ticketed and/or towed by campus police for which SLAS is not responsible.

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Revised: March 28, 2009.

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